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Reasons You Should Trim Your Trees During Winter

December 8, 2021

Reasons You Should Trim Your Trees During Winter

While many of us would like to sit back and relax and keep ourselves cozy during the cooler months, some home maintenance tasks are actually best done during the winter season.


Other seasons require us to stay outside to plant, pull weeds, rake leaves, and more. But although winter demands us to stay indoors and do little outdoor work, tree trimming is something you shouldn't skimp on during winter. Of course, it's much better to hire professionals that provide tree trimming services to ensure your trees look fantastic all year round.


If you're still iffy about tree trimming during winter, keep reading. In this article, we'll dig deeper into sharing with you the biggest reasons you should trim your trees during winter.


Reason #1: Trees' Branches are More Visible During the Winter


Although the freezing temperatures and winds may make us want to stay warm and toasty in our homes, you'll find that it's much easier to trim your trees during this time. The reason behind this is that without the foliage in the way, you'll get to see the shape and structure of the tree.


During this time, dead branches are much easier to identify and remove, and you'll also find branches that are growing contrary to the normal growth pattern of the tree. In addition, when the leaves have fallen, you'll also get a better visual of the tree, making it easier for tree trimming services to prune it.


Reason #2: Trees are Dormant During Winter


While you can trim your trees any time of the year, winter is the optimal time because your trees are in a dormant state. Unlike in spring and summer, where your trees are working hard to grow and produce, they're working double-time to take in more sunlight to create usable energy through photosynthesis. But when winter arrives, your trees can finally take a break.


Since your trees are resting, it's the perfect time for you to trim them since they aren't busy gathering energy and producing a harvest. Ideally, you'll want to start trimming and pruning during the late winter because then, it'll grow faster in time for spring.


Reason #3: Trees are Protected Against Disease During Winter


You'd be surprised to know that the cold weather of winter actually protects your trees from getting any disease after a trim. Remember—you should treat every cut just like you would if you get a wound on your skin, so if your tree gets an infection, you'll need to treat it immediately before it eats up the whole bark.


However, during winter, many pests are dormant, so this means it's the perfect time for you to trim and allow your tree to recover. For this reason, you won't have to worry about fungi, bacteria, and insects infecting your tree.


The Bottom Line: Hire Reputable Professional Tree Services


Although tree trimming can seem pretty straightforward, you must hire professional tree trimming services to ensure that they're using the right techniques to keep your trees healthy and well-pruned. So if you're thinking of grooming your tree, it's best to do it once we're knee-deep into the winter season so you can make the most out of its dormant state.


How Can We Help You?


Astros Tree Service TX is a well-known professional tree service company in Cleveland, Texas. We offer specialized services, including palm tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, land clearing, and more.


If you're looking for tree trimming services in Cleveland, TX, reach out to us today

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