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Tree Cutting Safety: What Not to Do When Removing Branches

July 13, 2021

Tree Cutting Safety: What Not to Do When Removing Branches

Felling a tree is a dangerous activity that requires all the awareness and alertness you can muster. In other words, failing to observe safety rules might result in significant injuries, property damage, and even death. Because you must complete specific steps, the procedure is essential.

While there are some fundamental or established principles to follow while carrying out tree removal, you should also avoid some things. Read on to learn more about the latter and assure your safety and the success of the tree removal process.

Do Not Work Alone

Trees come in a variety of sizes, but everything above a certain size requires the services of a professional—and often two or more! When cutting large trees, it's impossible to keep track of everything at the same time. Your focus will need to be on the cut region, while a second or third set of eyes should be on the scene to notify you of any changes.

Do Not Start Cutting Without Safety Gears

As previously indicated, tree felling is a dangerous job that necessitates the use of appropriate safety equipment. Helmets with face shields, earmuffs, gloves, and boots, among other things, must be worn, as well as thick long-sleeved apparel. Any qualified tree removal services will come equipped with all of the necessary gear.

Do Not Use an Ineffective/Dull Chainsaw

The process of tree cutting requires a lot of energy. As a result, all of the equipment must be in excellent working order. Your chainsaw is an essential tool that must function correctly. Never utilize a piece of equipment that has outlived its utility.

Do Not Forget to Check If There's Sufficient Gas

Moving your equipment to the job site without verifying enough gas is another thing you should never do while cutting a tree. It would be best to replenish the gas tank and keep a reserve on hand in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Do Not Lean Your Ladder Against a Tree

Leaning ladders on a tree while cutting is a hazardous condition that leads to many chainsaw injuries. It would help if you avoided this at all costs, as the primary goal is to be safe while working.

Do Not Cut Down Rotten Trees

The roots of rotten trees aren't as robust as the roots of healthy trees. Their structure has been severely harmed, and cutting them can be somewhat unpredictable. As a result, never attempt to fell a rotting tree yourself. Instead, get the assistance of a professional to complete the task.

Do Not Cut a Tree Close to a Power Line

Trees that are too close to power lines can be dangerous. These are unique situations that necessitate the services of tree removal businesses. Never attempt to complete the task yourself because your abilities are likely to be limited. Tree removal services may employ specialized cutting instruments to get rid of the tree.

Safety Should Be a Priority

There you have the things you should never do when cutting a tree. Every tree removal procedure has the potential to be hazardous. However, by following the simple safety practices indicated above, you can reduce such hazards.

Hire Professional Tree Removal Services!

Some smaller trimming jobs may be possible to DIY, but larger tree or branch removal tasks should always be left to experts. Even though it may seem simple, the damage that you (or the tree) can do can be incredibly expensive and damaging. It’s often best to have a professional take care of it from the very start.

Cutting down a tree can be risky, which is why it's best to hire a professional tree removal service in Cleveland, Texas to handle all your tree needs. Choose Astros Tree Service TX. We can assist you with tree and stump removal. We have the necessary experience, equipment, and abilities for tree removal. Call us to request a quote!

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